Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Belle of the birthday!~

This past weekend we celebrated Paisley's 2nd birthday. I made sure to spoil her a bit and made her a tu-tu, an appliqued t-shirt, and 3 cakes. Yup, I was super aunt! I loved every minute of being crafty for my little munchkin and I would do it everyday for her if I could. My machine and I got into quite the disagreement and tangle when I went to make her shirt. I found some really cute fabric at Hobby Lobby (I LOOOOVE THIS STORE!) and the pink in it matched the tutu material perfectly. It's been so long since I've been able to sew that I had to duke it out with my machine and my scrap fabric that I keep to remind myself how to do things and mess up on. That size 10 pair of kakhis will never be worn again and it has gotten more use under my sewing machine than it ever has! For you sewing perfectionist, yes, I noticed that my fabric is sideways, but it's still cute.... yes, I realize that my lining around the number is DEFINITELY not perfect.... and yes, the thread got all clumped up. Right at the very end of sewing it the thread snapped and was only functioning on half the actual string so I had to go back, rip the stitches out, and start right in the middle of it. But, it's ok. Paisley never knew and she loved it. She loved her cakes too. All she kept saying when she saw them was "Dora!" "Swiper!" "Pack-pack" (she can't say "backpack")

This is the bow on the back

The complete outfit

The big cake was for the guests and the little one was Paisley's cake

Yummy homemade buttercream!!!

Paisley's personal cake

Precious little girl!

Throwing grass

One of my favorite shots!

Crazy baby is too fast for my camera!

Paisley and Carter had a great weekend together. They stayed at grandmother & poppy's house together the night before.... bless mom and dad's hearts!

What iiiiis this?

A little drool on the sleeve is my trademark by now

Paisley and Jamie (my sister)
Her momma loves her!


Dara said...

HOw absolutely precious! We miss you guys so much! Wish we could be there for all those little "firsts" and "Seconds". Love you guys!