May has been an incredibly busy month. I can't believe everything is winding down here. Tomorrow is my last day at work. Tomorrow is my last day of my happy little life in the mountains. Tomorrow I move back East to be with my husband and baby again. It's all so crazy. These past 2 weeks have been a roller coaster. I really looked at not having Carter as a big break and a time to re-coop. I think I've worried and miss my little booger so much that it's done the complete opposite of re-cooping. I keep playing the sweet little recording of his laughter on my cell phone, I keep looking at his pictures, and I keep watching little videos of him. I miss him and Phillip so much. I honestly can't believe it's all going to be over tomorrow.
I went home to our new apartment this past weekend. It is lovely. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect. I picked out our apartment online after comparing it to others in the area, sent Phillip to check it out and sign papers, but I have yet to SEE it. It's definitely a big change to go back to apartment living, but it's nice to not worry about the grass, go swimming any time I want, go to the work out room, and not have any stresses over home-ownership. I am looking forward to getting a job and being able to move into a house that Carter can grow up in. But, I'm really taking June off as a time to work on myself. I'm going to go swimming, loose this stupid baby weight, spend time with my husband, and spend time with my baby as much as I want to, whenever I want to. I'm really excited!
OH!!! I ALMOST FORGOT!!! My little man already has his two teeth on the bottom.... now he's got 4 (that's right I said 4!!!!!) coming in on the top all at one time!! Poor baby! He's growing up toooooooo fast for his momma!
Here are some pics to catch you up on what's going on. It's quite a few b/c I've barely posted anything during this month. Keep in mind that tomorrow is my last day at work, and I wont have any other source of internet connection for a while until we get something at our new place (who knows when that will be!)
Lil man has "happy feet" all the time now. Whenever he's having a bottle, or swinging, sitting in his hi-chair, anything, he's got his little feet going!