Thursday, May 28, 2009

Month of May re-cap

May has been an incredibly busy month. I can't believe everything is winding down here. Tomorrow is my last day at work. Tomorrow is my last day of my happy little life in the mountains. Tomorrow I move back East to be with my husband and baby again. It's all so crazy. These past 2 weeks have been a roller coaster. I really looked at not having Carter as a big break and a time to re-coop. I think I've worried and miss my little booger so much that it's done the complete opposite of re-cooping. I keep playing the sweet little recording of his laughter on my cell phone, I keep looking at his pictures, and I keep watching little videos of him. I miss him and Phillip so much. I honestly can't believe it's all going to be over tomorrow.
I went home to our new apartment this past weekend. It is lovely. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect. I picked out our apartment online after comparing it to others in the area, sent Phillip to check it out and sign papers, but I have yet to SEE it. It's definitely a big change to go back to apartment living, but it's nice to not worry about the grass, go swimming any time I want, go to the work out room, and not have any stresses over home-ownership. I am looking forward to getting a job and being able to move into a house that Carter can grow up in. But, I'm really taking June off as a time to work on myself. I'm going to go swimming, loose this stupid baby weight, spend time with my husband, and spend time with my baby as much as I want to, whenever I want to. I'm really excited!
OH!!! I ALMOST FORGOT!!! My little man already has his two teeth on the bottom.... now he's got 4 (that's right I said 4!!!!!) coming in on the top all at one time!! Poor baby! He's growing up toooooooo fast for his momma!
Here are some pics to catch you up on what's going on. It's quite a few b/c I've barely posted anything during this month. Keep in mind that tomorrow is my last day at work, and I wont have any other source of internet connection for a while until we get something at our new place (who knows when that will be!)

This was his first time in his stroller without being in his car-seat attachment!! My big boy!

He's constantly got his tongue hanging out feeling those little teethies that are coming in!

Carter's last day with his babysitter. He's gonna miss these girls!

Saying goodbye to our awesome babysitter

Striking the "Playboy" pose

My grandmother loooves to feed me!


"Cool Rider"

Lil man has "happy feet" all the time now. Whenever he's having a bottle, or swinging, sitting in his hi-chair, anything, he's got his little feet going!

I'm such a happy boy when you walk with me!

Getting ready to swim!

On our way to the pool at our new apartment

Mommy loves him A LOT!

"Sailing, Sailing, I can sail with you! I can sail my little yellow boat across the ocean blue!"


Checkin' out the laaaadies!

We got, maybe, 5 steps away from the pool and he had already conked out!

This is what we feel about Auburn. What can I say, he's a 'Bama boy!

I love this pic! This is where he's saying "yuuuh, yuuuhh, yuhhh!" and "mamamamaa!"

Carter loves Gizzy, but Gizzy's still a little hesitant!

Carter's new swing on our patio

Weeeee!! I love my swing!

Lil man playing with his Aunt 'Mamie and Paisley

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life is sad, but good...

It's times like these that I remember how good it is to have my life. Things are very sad right now with Phillip taking the last bit of stuff from the house this weekend and leaving with Carter for the next two weeks. But, things are also very good. Every one of our guy friends came and helped us pack and get our stuff moved out, and all my girlfriends have been in touch with me to show their support and love in such a hard time. I love how my "family" always comes through. And I put "family" in quotations because I truly consider my friends to be part of our family. They were always there supporting and loving Phillip and I through the beginning of our relationship, through marriage, through child birth, and through Carter growing up. They are good people and I'm proud to call them my friends and "family." Speaking of family, my mom and dad came up this past weekend to help us pack the last bit and we couldn't have done it without them. I love seeing my parents with Carter. It's magical. They are so good with him and just love him so much. I'm looking forward to being closer to them.
We signed on the house yesterday. Very, very sad, but also a huge weight off our shoulders. Kate came over last night to help me pack the last bit of stuff and take it off for storage. I just cried and cried over the house being empty and leaving so many memories. I'm glad she was there. Her hugs were the best thing to keep me going. I'm staying with her and Nishelle for the next 2 weeks and things have started off very well. We laughed and talked all night last night and we're going for crazy Chinese dinner and shopping tonight. It's just what I need to take my mind off things. Well, I actually need to work today, so I'm gonna go. I'll post pics of our house as soon as I can. I wont be posting pics of the apartment because we don't plan on putting anything on the walls or personalizing it because we really don't plan on being their long. Feel free to come and stay with us though!!! We love house-guests!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Moving

This was my 1st Mother's Day.

It was a bummer to have to pack everything, but still great because I was with my boys. I wish I could have been home with my mom and my sister to celebrate their special day with them, but it just wasn't in the cards. Instead, we spent the entire weekend packing our crap and sending it to Burlington. Phillip and our friends were fantastic and loaded up that truck in a day. Bless his heart, then he had to take the truck home and unload it by himself! I'm getting extra nervous about moving these days. We sign papers on our house this coming Monday. Then, our beloved "Beechwood" home will no longer be ours. On Monday Phillip will be taking Carter back to Burlington with him, and I will have 2 more weeks here working so I can continue to have insurance for a little bit longer. I will not have my own home. I will not have my own bed. I will be living out of a suitcase. Fortunately, my loving friend, Kate, has agreed to take me in and I will be crashing on her couch for those 2 weeks. I will miss my friends when I leave. I finally started loving this place and feeling secure and at home, and we're leaving. My friends from high school moved up and are just living down the mountain from me, and we're leaving. Besides the 2 weeks of rain we've had, we've had great weather lately. Carter and I have have been having nightly strolls before his bath. We've met soooo many neighbors who have been been walking also, who stop to tell me how cute my baby is, and I say "I know!" (TOOOOOTALLY KIDDING!!!) I've finally met my neighbors, and we're moving! Our house is cut into the side of a mountain and our neighbors are close enough to get help from if we need, but far enough away to really never have any contact with them. That's really been the only complaint about my house. I grew up in a culdasac where I knew all my neighbors, they babysat me growing up, I babysat their kids when I was older, and we all walked across yards to borrow a cup of flour if we needed it. There's none of that here. Not to mention, since you have to drive up the mountain to get to our house, there's no mailboxes because the mailmen can't get there. But, that's just moutain living. Pretty much nobody here has a mailbox. We all have P.O. boxes. But, at the bottom of our development is a line of mailboxes that got so large that a sign went up saying "No more boxes" and only half our neighborhood has a box out there. When we first moved in we drove by the boxes and didn't see one for our house so we just kept our P.O. box. We've had that box for almost 5 years. Phillip had it before we got married. Last night, on our little walk, I meandered up that hill next to the boxes and lo-and-behold..... WE HAVE A FREAKIN' MAILBOX! It's completely out of order and out of place with the order of house numbers and street numbers.... but it's in there hiding!! Arg!!! And now, that we've lived there for a couple of years, and we're signing papers in 5 days, and moving away, I find our mailbox. Of course.
Anyway. I had a nice lunch on Mother's Day. Phillip got me an awesome book because I commented to him about how I don't have time to myself to even crack a book. I've attempted to read it the past two nights. So far, I've read half of the "forward". He also got me the only video game that I can play. We bought it when we first got married and somehow lost it over the years, but he bought it for me again so I can be part of the "Wii" console. Personally, I think he bought it so he can laugh at me losing the games over and over again and getting waaaaay to into the game so much that I'm screaming and bouncing around the room along with whatever the characters are doing.
Thanks for checking in on us. We are doing well and I'm enjoying my last few days with my baby until he's with his daddy for 2 weeks. I just realized that I have to pack my office and there's about as much much crap here as there is in my house. Yikes.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Confusion?" says Confusious

I'm confused and annoyed. I work for the Public Health system for my state. My office will not allow us to spend time on websites that don't pertain to work (ooooops!) such as facebook, myspace, youtube, or any other place where you download or upload information, pictures, or music. We are also not permitted to go on AIM or any other chat programs. But, they are encouraging us to make a Twitter account and follow them on their posts. That's right. My state's Public Health system has a Twitter account and they want us to use work time to follow them on the H1N1 (Swine flu) outbreak and other subjects and post back any questions or thoughts/feelings. Does that make any sense to you? Nope, me either. I'm annoyed by this.

In other news, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My last day at work is May 29th. Yup, just a few weeks away. No, I still haven't heard when I should be starting at my next job. I talked to my future boss the other day and she said the paperwork was in it's last stages for approval on April 3rd, but no paperwork is moving in the department that it's currently at. The budget crisis has been putting everything on hold and there's no telling when I will, or if I will be accepted to start work at the other branch that I'm supposed to be moving to.
Keep us in your thoughts this weekend. Phillip is getting a moving truck and we will be filling it up as much as possible to take a large load to our temporary apartment. Lord help me!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Chosen One

And the winner is...... Eco!!!

They are soooo pretty and the polka dots just won me over. I got some great discounts for being a first time buyer and free shipping!! Who can beat that!? The company I bought them from is and they are just too awesome. They got my order processed the same day and I should be receiving my bags in about a week! I can't wait!
I was crusing the website after my purchase and found this:

It's goggles to keep you from crying when you chop onions!! How funny is that!! Actually, it's not funny..... I COULD TOTALLY USE A PAIR!! This little pansy tears up like nobody's business when she's cutting onions. I'm seriously thinking I might have to bust out some swimming goggles next time I chop onions!!