Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Baby

We had such a great Easter Break. It was too short, of course, and we didn't get to see family enough. Carter was toooooo freakin' cute in his Easter outfit and was so well behaved in church. I really didn't expect him to do so well but he stayed quite or slept. We went to my mother-in-law's church and it really made me miss my old church, Homestead Heights (currently "The Summit") and all of it's people. It is such a great place and I always felt at home. Not to say that these people didn't make us feel welcome, but it's just not the same. AAAAANYWAYS! Paisley did an awesome job dyeing her Easter Eggs and went crazy when she was hunting them. She's growing up too fast! Jacob loved hunting his Eggs also and was naming every one of them as he went. He is so smart and catches on so quick. It's hard to believe both of them will be 2 this summer. Lordy time flies! Here are our pics. I wish I had pics from Paisley's egg hunt, but those are on my dad's camera. Enjoy!

It's insane how much he looks like his daddy!!!

Family shot at Easter Lunch


Jacob hunting eggs

Phillip's brother (Brian), his son (Jacob), my mother-in-law, Carter, and Phillip

My sweet boy!

I hope you all had a great Easter. Time to get back to work! So glad the weekend is almost here!
Much love,