I'm sooooo jazzed!! Phillip put together the crib Monday night and I put all the bedding on it to see how it looks. It's soooo cute!! I'm just thrilled! I'm not really sure why he wanted to put it together right now, especially with the big bed, desk, and book case that are still in there and need to come out. I guess we'll just have to dis-assemble it when his parents come to stay with us in August, and the sheets all need to be washed. But, for now, it's adorable!! There are two shots of the bed that are the same, but I lighted it up so you could see the crib better.
(Oh, by the way, we didn't notice it when we registered, but the animal that goes with the letter "Y" is a yak!!! I just love that and it cracks me up!!)
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