Thursday, July 10, 2008

Weekend recap

It's been a while since I've blogged, but we've had A LOT going on. I went home to my parent's house on Thursday and got to have lunch with my high school girlfriends the next day. It was really fantastic seeing them! One of them is moving about 2 hours away from me, instead of the 5 hours away that she is now, and I'm really hoping to see her a lot more now. Their boys are growing up so big and it's so good to hear the stories of motherhood and silly stories of what their kids are getting into. It was very comforting to talk to them about how hard it is to be away from family during this time and knowing that our kid will only have one day with each grandparent every time we come home, which tends to not be anymore than 1 time a month. It was very reassuring to me to actually realize that they are going through the same exact thing that I am and know what I'm feeling b/c they are very family oriented as well. Not to mention, they made me feel absolutely great about myself in how I am looking and handling my pregnancy. I just love those girls :)

I got to see my niece and nephew a lot this weekend, WHICH WAS FANTASTIC!!! Paisley’s mom, my sister, is doing such a great job with her. She is so in tune with what she needs and is really blowing me away with how well she is settling into it, especially after finding out she was pregnant at the 8th month (DON’T ASK!!) and being thrown into it so quickly. I picked up a tu-tu for her before I left town and she was soooo precious in it! I didn’t get very good pictures, but you’ll see it down below. My nephew, Jacob is fantastic too. His mom and dad (my bro & sis in law) are doing a wonderful job with him. He is just such a happy baby and is motoring right along in his development. Saturday was spent at a wedding for Phillip’s dad’s best friend’s daughter (Lord, that was a mouthful). It was beautiful and just reminded me of how I want to do it again, with the same guy of course! Phillip is not a dancer, but it really was so sweet to me that he made sure I got to dance to my favorite song, the cha-cha slide, even though his family was ready to leave and hit the road! He even got out there with me and danced, while laughing at me holding my belly during the jumping part in the song. Sunday, we had dinner with both my family and Phillip's family. This lunch was extra special for me because I got my niece and nephew together for the first time and they were adorable!!! They were just playing so well together and throwing food at each other! It was sooo cute! Then, we got to see my best friend, Monica, her great husband, and their precious son. All these babies are growing up so quick! I miss her so much and I wish we could see each other more often, but for now we just have to meet up when I come home. Well, here are my pictures from the weekend. Enjoy!