Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baby check

I had my 36 week OB appointment today. I'm 80% effaced and 1.5 dilated!!! Go Carter Go!! I can't believe I'm actually this far along and I'm dilating! It seems like just yesterday that I got pregnant! The baby is measuring out to be one week ahead, so he's measuring at 37 weeks today. My mid-wife really wants me to think about taking time off from work and not working 8-5 anymore because I've been so exhausted and swollen like a maniac. I wish I could, but financially, it's just not possible! Maybe I can work something out where I can work from home. We'll see!
We went on a tour of the hospital with my child-birth class last night. It wasn't as ghetto as I thought it would be. Harris Regional is actually pretty decent. Some of the rooms were God awful tiny, and the other rooms were pretty good sized. Let's hope we get a big one, with a tub!
Well, I gotta get back to work. Lots of stuff to do before this baby comes!