Wednesday, May 14, 2008

There's a happy rumbly in my tumbly....

Dinner last night was amazing. I made grilled, marinated pork chops, grilled pineapple, and grilled zucchini.... delicious! Next time I think I'll add rice pilaf to the mix. Not including the time for marinating my pork chops, the prep time was about 10 minutes!! It took about 15 minutes to cook everything! :) Sweet deal huh?
It's as simple as, getting bone-less pork chops, tenderizing them, and letting them marinate for a couple of hours in whatever marinade you choose. I chose Lawory's Garlic & Herb marinade and it was AMAZING. Wash and slice your zucchini and brush it with a touch of olive oil, then salt and pepper it. Grab you a can of pineapple rings, drain the juice. Once your grill is heated to a medium heat, place all of it on there. Make sure to rotate those chops, zuchinni, and pineapple halfway through. Don't leave the chops on there for too long because they dry out quickly, but also make sure to cook the pink out of them. It all comes out done at the same time and it's sooooo good! Trust me, your belly will be thanking "Chef Sara!"
Happy Hump Day!

Fresh on the grill

I had to put this picture on here to show you the aftermath on our grill from where P caught it on fire. Notice the dark marks across the front, behind the handle, from where the flames licked the top of it. It was soooo nice and shiny and pretty from me cleaning and polishing it that day, and now look at it. It's sooo sad! (and yes, I clean and polish my grill!!... who doesn't??... ok, I admit it... I'm a little anal retentive)

After the flip

DELICIOUS finished product

.......your welcome!!!